Investment Management

Frisch Financial helps design a personalized plan for your investment portfolio. Our investment strategies include fundamental and tactical management, low-cost investments, a wide range of investment vehicles, and we integrate a number of tax efficient strategies. We believe combining these strategies with a disciplined approach and the appropriate amount of risk will lead to an optimized total net return for our clients.

As a fiduciary we are always working in your best interests. Our co-management philosophy keeps you included and informed about your investments, which could include individual stocks and bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, option strategies, and more.  We help guide you through our plan’s recommended strategies and investments based on the ever-changing circumstances in the market, in the economy…and in your life.


Investment Analysis/Strategies include:

  • Strategic Asset Allocation
  • Regular Portfolio Rebalancing
  • Disciplined Yet Flexible Approach
  • Individual Security Selection
  • Defensive Strategies
  • Tactical Management
  • Tax Efficient Portfolio Construction
  • Behavioral Analysis & Coaching
  • Stock Option Strategies & Overlays
  • Dividend/Income Strategies

Financial Planning

Creating the bridge to your financial future involves applying a meticulous process and technique in a dynamic world. We work together to evaluate your goals, needs, tax situation, and risk profile in order to customize your plan that perfectly complements the realities and dreams of your life.

The financial planning process begins with discovery and continues strategically…step by step…based on one’s life plan. We work together to address specific categories of your financial plan, reviewing calculations and projections, and explaining implications and recommendations so that you are prepared and on track to meet your goals.


Financial Planning can help you answer these questions, and more

  • When can I retire?
  • How do I minimize taxes?
  • Do I need a will?
  • Will I run out of money?
  • Will I be able to leave a legacy for my children?
  • Do I have the proper insurance?
  • What is my retirement income plan?
  • What’s the best way to save for my child’s education?
  • When should I elect social security?
  • Am I on target to reach my goals?

Wealth Management Services

Our professionals, who have credentials that include CFP®, CPA, CFA, CDFA, MSFS and CRPC, combine their investment management expertise with their financial planning services to develop a personalized plan for you. This combination of strong portfolio management and comprehensive financial planning provides the guidance you need to achieve your definition of financial success.


A combination of the following services will help you reach your goals and dreams:

  • Investment Management
  • Retirement Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Estate Planning
  • Insurance Analysis
  • Executive Compensation Strategies & Stock Option Planning
  • Risk Analysis
  • Social Security Maximization
  • Philanthropic Guidance

Your journey starts now

Contact us today for a consultation